Saturday, 26 August 2017

Pandangan Doktor Pakar Tentang Shaklee

Secara umum, ani rasa semua tahu Shaklee diasaskan oleh Dr Forrest C Shaklee

Seorang doktor yang ada kisahnya bagaimana terbinanya Shaklee 

Shaklee Sentiasa Selamat. Sentiasa Berkesan & Sentiasa Mesra Alam

Pandangan Doktor Pakar Tentang Shaklee

Produk Nutrisi Shaklee

Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.DA

Author of "Health Wisdom for Women"

"..states that Shaklee Vita-Lea is the best pre-natal vitamin she has found. She never has problems with her patients becoming anemic like many of her colleagues do. The cost of Vita-Lea (1 with breakfast and 1 with the evening meal) is 28 cents, a small price to pay for so much nutritional insurance. "It is so important for adults and children to take a Vita-Lea (multi) tablet twice a day in order to fill in the gaps in the diet and to give your body everything it needs for healing and repair (which takes place while you sleep). People who think they eat "very well" are surprised to find out that minerals and trace minerals are very low in supermarket foods, due to early harvesting, transporting and storage

Of all the vitamins on the market, Shaklee supplements are different. Vita-Lea is made primarily from organically-grown vegetable sources, cold-processed to preserve enzymes, and contains exactly what the label states. Not only that, all Shaklee supplements are clinically tested to make sure that what is on the label is actually absorbed"

Dr Steve Chaney

Dr Steve Chaney

PHD Professor of Nutrition, Biochemistry & Bio physiology University of North Carolina Medical School

"One of the biggest mistakes people make is taking inexpensive vitamins. Mail order vitamins offering fantastic "deals" are worth just about what you pay for them. NEVER buy these vitamins or supermarket/pharmacy brands without checking them out first. Cut-rate products offer contain additives, food allergens, sugar, artificial food coloring and flavoring. Many are coated with shellac or contain potentially hazardous chemicals like chlorine. Shaklee performs up to 176 seperate tests for purity, freshness, potency and safety on the raw ingredients for a single product. Products undergo as many as 262 separate quality assurance tests throughout the manufacturing process as well. In addition, all product label claims have documented substantiation" 

Dr Annette Dickinson

PHD Council for Responsible Nutrition

"You need to select a manufacturer that you can trust. Unfortunately, there are some unscrupulous entrepreneurs out there who will try anything and who are marketing street drug knock-offs or recreational drugs under the name of dietary supplements. One of our biggest problem today is that there are some small manufacturers on the fringes of the industry who make products that don't meet necessary standards and give a black eye to the whole industry. Quality companies like Shaklee Corporation, are making a stand for quality products and for truthful information and we believe that is very important

FOROUS ERTL Botanicals International

One of the world's leading suppliers of raw materials to major manufacturers world-wide

Shaklee has some rigorous standards that they actually initiated in the industry, Shaklee is definitely our pickiest and most strict customer. They are very demanding, and they have specifications set by our other customers. I think a lot of customers, price is an issue when they are choosing botanicals, but I wish they had the awareness about the quality of the botanicals and the quality of the brand before they make their decisions. I tell my friends, that if they want to buy quality of the botanicals and the quality of the brand before they make their decisions. I tell my friends, that if they want to buy quality, they have to buy Shaklee.

Credited to Health is A Lifestyle Choice by Denise Curran yang sudah 15 tahun berShaklee

Saintis Shaklee Bekerja

Semoga Bermanfaat!

Daftar Ahli Shaklee Untuk Makan Sendiri Bagi Penjimatan Berganda

Dengan keberkesanan produk dan kualiti yang terjamin, Saya memerlukan Pengedar bagi setiap pelusuk negeri

Hubungi saya, Ani Haryani 014-7222642 jika berminat untuk menjadi Pengedar. Kehadiran Anda amatlah dialukan

Pengedar Shaklee Kuala Lumpur : Ani Haryani
sms/whatsapp : 014-7222642
fb@Instagram : LuvHaryani
Shaklee ID : 1073895

"Do What You Love"

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